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Crows are smarter than most Biden voters


Posted 3:05 pm, 04/07/2024

This OP: most ignorant claim of the week.


Posted 2:46 pm, 04/07/2024

In truth, it might be more of a lieberal sacred cow than a deity!


Posted 1:03 pm, 04/07/2024

Crows are smarter than people in general, especially you DumbBell. Crows sheet on people, when was the last time you heard of people sheeting on crows?


Posted 12:09 pm, 04/07/2024

Tell us how those people convicted of January 6th are "hostages " and should all. be set free ? You c*ckwombles keep up your stupid posts and I will too. Love showing how dang ignorant you look 🤮


Posted 12:06 pm, 04/07/2024

You c*ckwombles are so good at running down, why don't you tell us what great things your Hero wants to do for America ? HELLO. And you Bible thumpers tell us what is so great about calling immigrants "animals " and their blood is "poisoning" America ? Seems Moorons ancestors haven't helped anyone but themselves have they ? Or are immigrants from Germany are not animals ?


Posted 11:48 am, 04/07/2024

Some things never change do they ? Why can't someone tell us with sensible credible reasons why anyone should support Mooron ? Share with us his track record while he was in office ? Jobs record ? Covid deaths ? Remember how many cities had to use refers to store deaths from Covid ? Wasn't it sweet one of Moorons first act was to cancel the Covid team Obama appointed to try and help quell the pandemic ? So much concern for Americans. And as USUAL not one credible reason to support your orange spray painted Mooron. And just try to imagine how much confusion he's gonna cause after this election ? And I dare ANY c*ckwomble to googol the 1960 gop party platform compared to your crowd today ? You got sold out big time but ALWAYS remember "It's the way we've always voted "

DB Cooper

Posted 10:28 am, 04/07/2024

See... I told you crows are smarter. And more likeable.


Posted 10:09 am, 04/07/2024

Crows maybe smarter than Biden voters, but turkeys are sure as hull smarter than MAGATS!


Posted 9:35 am, 04/07/2024

Now light in with your personal attacks. Ye ain't got anything else ?


Posted 9:33 am, 04/07/2024

But at least us Biden supporters know why we vote the way we do ? If you Mooron worshippers ever come up with some factual reasons will you PLEASE share them with us ? Or show your ignorance some more with personal attacks ? I love things like SS. Medicare. Lower drug prices. Overtime pay. Clean water act. Let EVERYBODY pay their fair share of SS taxes instead of a cut off point for the wealthy and the list go on. You c*ckwombles hate all these things but guess you can afford to ? Share with us what your precious party has ever done for us little people ? But you still support an that wants to trash our constitution and turn the lawfully convicted people from Jan 6th who attacked our capitol and law enforcement to help an . Ohhh what s the use ? Take up for your Mooron 🤮


Posted 8:24 am, 04/07/2024

And the pedo petey worshippers were just told to "get over yourself" by another one of their deities! Lieberals skies are falling!


Posted 11:22 pm, 04/06/2024

The Rock is smarter than smurfer he regrets voting for Biden and apologized.


Posted 9:35 pm, 04/06/2024

For sure we know that DB is just like a baby crow, all mouth and a'hole.


Posted 9:16 pm, 04/06/2024

Ew, DB is gay with that butt stuff talk.

DB Cooper

Posted 8:31 pm, 04/06/2024

Good old smurfy... funniest guy in fifth grade.


Posted 8:30 pm, 04/06/2024

If we placed the electrodes where they need to be placed it would cause a brownout


Posted 8:29 pm, 04/06/2024



Posted 8:28 pm, 04/06/2024

Rocks are smarter than Cooper.....😂😂😂😂

DB Cooper

Posted 8:26 pm, 04/06/2024

Do you think with aggressive shock treatments using the deluxe oversize anal electrode we could bring Redpekker and Plantation Gandy around?


Posted 7:36 pm, 04/06/2024

Some Biden voters can learn and admit they were wrong to vote for Biden.

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