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Ashley Biden confirms her diary,


Posted 5:10 am, 05/14/2024

Anti, much typing of long boring rhetoric does not enhance your supposed intellect.


Posted 1:18 am, 05/14/2024

Come on Anti, you seem like a person that would enjoy experimenting with reason. Why don't we just attempt to look at this situation reasonably? So, if this man has a long history of rape and sexual assault against women and children Wouldn't there be some kind of a criminal record?

For an average person, sure. For a millionaire that owns significant chunks of New York City?

Ivana's deposition against Trump was real, and his defense was that "you can't rape your wife." But after the divorce proceedings the records were sealed and were later partially destroyed in a fire.

Coincidence that evidence of a millionaire committing rape was just "destroyed?" Sure.

The child that said he raped her on Epstein Island had the exact same description that Ivana had used... and has subsequently been "disappeared." Coincidence again, maybe? And don't forget that Trump was in Epstein's log book as having flown to his island 7 times...

The children in the Miss Teen USA pageant that complained about Trump watching them change clothes... no one ever denied it. His then-15 year old daughter just said, "yeah, he does that."

Previously, Trump bragged in an interview about how he would do that very thing...

Well, I'll tell you the funniest is that I'll go backstage before a show, and everyone's getting dressed and ready and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere. And I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. You know, I'm inspecting, I want to make sure that everything is good.

You know, the dresses. 'Is everyone okay?' You know, they're standing there with no clothes. 'Is everybody okay?' And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that. But no, I've been very good.

Of course, the girls involved all chose not to press charges because... well, it was Trump. A man that everyone thought was a billionaire. Who could win that fight?

Same goes for E. Jean Carroll, whose rape scene was very much like how Trump described assaulting women to Billy Bush. How can a nobody fight a millionaire in court? You would just be destroyed by dozens of attorneys, then sued afterward and be destroyed for life.

Literally everyone knows, rich people can do anything they want. Like Trump said, "when you're a start, they let you do it. You can do anything... grab 'em by the ****. You can do anything."

Why would Ivana lie?

Why would several Miss Teen USA pageant contestants and his own daughter lie?

Why would E. Jean Carroll lie?

Why would the child from Epstein Island lie?

Why would Trump himself incriminate himself by falsely bragging about doing these things?

Looks like IF there was such a criminal record it would have been used against him in the 2016 election instead of having Cankles drum up the fake Russian Collusion story.

Are you intentionally ignoring that we know for an absolute fact that it wasn't "fake?"

Prosecutors couldn't prove that Trump knew about it, but we know for a fact that Russia spent a ton of money on fake news to help Trump win in 2016. And again in 2020.


Posted 11:47 pm, 05/13/2024

You Dems didn't believe Paula Jones. You didn't believe Tara Reid. But you believe E. Gene Carrol? OK. LOL Could you be any more Biased?


Posted 4:50 pm, 05/13/2024


Posted 2:08 pm, 05/13/2024

You are pitiful Anti, plain pitiful

I would say that the "plain pitiful" one is the one that proudly supports a man with a long history of rape and sexual assault against women and children. But not everyone feels as strongly about those things as others.
Come on Anti, you seem like a person that would enjoy experimenting with reason. Why don't we just attempt to look at this situation reasonably? So, if this man has a long history of rape and sexual assault against women and children Wouldn't there be some kind of a criminal record? Looks like IF there was such a criminal record it would have been used against him in the 2016 election instead of having Cankles drum up the fake Russian Collusion story. It also should make us wonder how such a criminal has not been locked up for such crimes. Do you ever wonder about such things?


Posted 4:41 pm, 05/13/2024

With a Sunday Christian it's not the crime that matters but who commits it. Had Biden committed the same crimes they would be heinous to f*xxy. But as they were committed by her puzzy grabbing orange idol well it's OK.


Posted 4:01 pm, 05/13/2024

Shes just a dumb **** thats just doing what shes told.


Posted 3:39 pm, 05/13/2024

foxnit is a true case of TDS. Beyond hope.


Posted 2:08 pm, 05/13/2024

You are pitiful Anti, plain pitiful

I would say that the "plain pitiful" one is the one that proudly supports a man with a long history of rape and sexual assault against women and children. But not everyone feels as strongly about those things as others.


Posted 2:05 pm, 05/13/2024

Makes a feller wonder if they's pervs watching younguns change at the beauty pagants and dancer competitions also. Most of them ol boys which shows up at em is said t be h**os tho, our sources can tell by they man buns and orange and green hairdos and such.


Posted 2:02 pm, 05/13/2024

You are pitiful Anti, plain pitiful


Posted 1:58 pm, 05/13/2024

She said that the diary was hers, but the pages you've seen were forgeries.

The irony is that you ignore that Trump admitted to raping his wife in court, was convic... err, "found liable" for raping another woman, was accused of raping a child on Epstein Island (which she described in vivid detail that was very similar to how he had raped his former wife, even though that testimony was sealed at the time). He openly bragged about sexually assaulting women, and when he would watch the children change clothes in the Miss Teen USA pageant his then-15 year old daughter said, "yeah, he does that."

So you ignore all of that, and instead choose to believe whatever Russian propaganda you can find about Biden.

DB Cooper

Posted 12:35 pm, 05/13/2024

Thanks, surfer. But we already know that you are one of the Biden perverts.


Posted 10:52 am, 05/13/2024

Is black fellers aloud in the G is for geometry club, if they ain't could be the reason, Les. Our sources said Hunter and his daddy biden r able to get t swept as such cause most of ur presidents was members of such. U younguns ort to look it up for urselfs if u do not believe our sources.


Posted 10:47 am, 05/13/2024

....and trump is the one on trial....your post is too funny.

Lester White

Posted 10:34 am, 05/13/2024

Anyone else noticed that creepy Joe only sniffs white girls? Why is that?


Posted 10:24 am, 05/13/2024

I see why your source has filed for bankruptcy....more lies.

DB Cooper

Posted 9:39 am, 05/13/2024

The gowilkes perverts love their creepy hero. I could name them but we know who they are.


Posted 9:23 am, 05/13/2024

the showers with daddy joe..

Along with a picture of theperverted creep staring at the chest of his little girls.

liook at the perverts staring at her young undeveloped brest.

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